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Originally published in 1900 |
FREDERICK H. DRESSEL, the well known florist of Weehawken. N.
J., was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, on the 8th of June, 1861, his
parents being Herman Dressel and Eliza Pattberg. His father came to
this country in 1848, lived for a few years in New York City, then went to
Charleston. S. C., and finally returned to the Fatherland. Mr. Dressel received an excellent educational training in Germany, in Belgium, and in and near London, England, and early developed those traits of industry, integrity, and practical application which have won for him both success and honor. In 1587 he was sent out by the well known orchid establishment of F. Sander & Co., of St. Albans, near London, to British Guiana in South America to collect orchids. He remained there one year, making a three months' journey from Georgetown to Mount Roraima with a party of seventy-five Indians, being the third white man to ascend that mountain. His experience in this connection was both extensive and valuable, and enabled him to gain a practical knowledge of orchids in their native state. Among the numerous varieties of that plant which he collected and sent home were the Cattleya Lawrenciana and Cyprepidum Schomburgianum, two of the most valuable orchid species in existence. Returning to England, Mr. Dressel came to this country in October, 1888, and for one year represented his former employers, F. Sander & Co., in Jersey City, N. J., where he first resided. Subsequently he lived for a time in Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1890, however, he settled in his present home on Weehawken Heights, Hudson County, where he engaged in business for him self as a florist. His original establishment comprised only two greenhouses, but from this modest beginning he has steadily enlarged the business until now he owns and operates twenty houses and ranks as one of the foremost florists in New Jersey. He gives employment to about eight people. Mr. Dressel's success is the result of his own efforts united with natural ability, sound judgment, and enterprise. His business, under his able and energetic management, has grown to extensive proportions, and is regarded as one of the most important of the kind in the country. He has traveled extensively in Europe, North and South America, and the West Indies. Possessing mental and physical qualities of a high order, he is a cultivated, courteous gentleman, endowed with great intellectual capacity, and distinguished for his geniality and companionable nature. He has a large and interesting collection of curios which he collected while among the Indians in British Guiana. In politics he is a stanch Democrat. He is a member of Palisade Lodge. No. 84, F. and A. M., of the Association of American Florists. and of the New York Florists' Club, and in all the relations of life has displayed those sterling characteristics which mark the successful man. June 7, 1893, Mr. Dressel married Emma, daughter of Alfred and Carolina Schmidt, of Hoboken, N. J. They have three children: Frederick Herman, George Alfred, and Carrie.
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