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Originally published in 1900 |
THE FLIERBOOM FAMILY.-The first American ancestor of the
Flierboom and Vlierboom families was Mattys Flierboom, a Hollander,
who emigrated to America somewhere about 1660 and settled at New
Orange (Albany), where he became a man of note, rising to the dignities
and honors of a judge of the courts at Albany. There he reared a family
of five children: Caroline, Wellempie, Maritie, Servaes, and Jacob, and
perhaps others. About 1692 the family removed to New Amsterdam,
where Wellempie married in 1693 Cornelius Eckerson. Caroline. in 1693,
married Cornelius Jans Haring. Maritie married in 1694 Rynier Reyserick.
Servaes, in 1697, married Gertrude Lesting. Jacob married in 1699 Maritie Peters Haring. A11 these, except Servaes, became residents of Bergen
County. Jacob, at the division of the Tappan patent, bought a large farm
at what is now Rivervale, in Washington Township.. He owned other
lands there. His issue were Mary, Matthew, John, Abram, Rynier, Jannetie, James, and Jannetie. All of these except Matthew were baptized
at Tappan. Jacob's children (a large family) located west of the Hackensack on lands bought of John McEvers, and their descendants are scattered over Bergen County, some having taken the name of "Freeborn."
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