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Originally published in 1939
Some of this information may no longer be current and in that case is presented for historical interest only.
Edited by GET NJ, COPYRIGHT 2003
BRIDGEPORT, 73.5 miles (20 alt., 850 pop.), has cornfields extending
almost to the back door of a line of old and not unattractive houses on the
main thoroughfare (R). The community is sufficiently large, however, to
support an automobile sales agency and other business houses.
At 73.8 miles US 322 separates (R) from US 130.
Right on US 322 to the CHESTER (PA.) FERRY, 1.5 mile (24-hour service May 30
to Oct. 1; 50 cents for car and driver, 5 cents for each passenger.)
At 73.9 miles US 130 crosses Raccoon Creek, with dyked banks and broad
marshlands. The earliest white settlers in this region, the Swedes, entered
the territory by this creek about 1670 and founded the village of Swedes-boro 5 miles upstream (see Tour 25). During the Revolution, Cornwallis
landed a force of 5,000 men here for a march north to attack the American fortifications at Billingsport and Red Bank.
Making few curves, the highway runs through a rather dreary section of
lowlands. Farms and farmhouses are not numerous. The late afternoon sun
glints more brightly on the shining aluminum paint of oil storage tanks
across the river at Chester than on the still waters of the tidal marshes.
South of Oldman's Creek, the DELAWARE ORDNANCE DEPOT of the
United States Army (R), a, typical Army reservation in neatness and landscaping, borders US 130 for a mile. Established during the World War,
the depot is still used for storing shells of both large and small caliber.
One ordnance company numbering about 50 men is stationed here, and
there are many civilian employees.
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