Posted by Al Sullivan on May 13, 2002 at 06:14:58:
In Reply to: Re: Who will replace Cunningham as mayor? Al Sullivan, Jersey City Reporter, 05/ posted by Oddsmaker on May 13, 2002 at 03:16:58:
By the way, the man most responsible for bringing down Cunningham, is Cunningham. His closest associates may play both sides a little, but it seems Drayton, McCann, Booth and others have given Cunningham the best advice to self-destruct. And perhaps, Cunningham should not have promised so many favors to so many people as to need so desperately to seek out jobs and contract opportunities on the county level. Agreed, Menendez will have the pick as to which poor soul will replace Cunningham, but since he had such a limited choice in replacing the county executive: Donnelly, DeGise and Manzo (that was his final list) what makes you think he'll do better in getting a name he can rely on for mayor: The only donnelly? Or her brother Paul? : Are you saying that Fricchione has a shot this time? Or are you pointing out that he, as the 80's, 90's and 00's answer to Tom Bell, is just as ridiculous a candidate as the rest. : Fricchione should have listened to what everybody's parents always told them as little kids: DON'T TALK TO STRANGIAS! : : : Al Sullivan has to be the least astute guy ever to cove rJC politics.Cunningham is being brought down by by a coalition of leaders put together by Menendez.Whoever the next mayor will be will come from that group.Manzo is alined with Glenn, so is O'dea.Mary is trying to play the middle but has lost friends on both sides.Gaughan, Maldonado, Vega or Lipski are far more likely.Besides how many more times does Louie need to be pasted before people know its over.This type of silly reporting merely indicates that Sullivan only talks to this clique of wannabees and parrots their musings. I'm surprised Fricchione's name hasn't popped up.
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