Posted by Manlo on April 15, 2003 at 05:37:28:
CUNNINGHAM CITES BOOTH FOR ETHICAL VIOLATIONS Urban Times News April 11-April 17, 2003 By Steven Glazer Jersey City-Superior Court Judge Arthur D'Italia heard arguments from Jersey City Mayor Glenn Cunningham's attorney that Corporation Counsel Alex Booth is unfit to serve because of serious ethical lapses in office. "Does that mean if he embezzles money, admits it, gets indict- ed, but is not yet convicted, he can stay in office? Asked attorney Michael Stein. "Just because he stopped does not mean that he did not do that. He freely admits that he did. In and of itself, that renders him unfit," said Stein. Judge D'Italia acknowledged that the ethical aspect of Cunningham's charges against Booth were the most damning brought by the Mayor. "That is the sharpest arrow in your quiver," said D'Italia. Stein argued that though Booth has corrected the ethical violations Cunningham complained of" they are no less valid reason to remove Booth. Booth maintained a partnership interest in the law firm bearing his name. Brownstein, Booth and Barry, while serving as Corporation Counsel to the City of Jersey City. The firm represented the Hudson County Improvement Authority for many years. That County agency is currently in court with the City, through its agency, the Jersey City Incinerator Authority in litigation that began during Booth's service. Booth's law partner, Bob Barry served as counsel to the HCIA until the middle of last year and stayed on as transi- tion counsel through the first of the year and has been a special consultant since the beginning of this year. Barry resigned his remaining relationship with the HCIA just recently as the suit between the Mayor and Booth came to court. D'Italia asked from the bench, "What would happen if Booth showed up to represent the City and his partner, Barry, showed up to represent the HCIA?" Privately, city officials asked, "Why would a guy resign and withdraw from a lucrative law firm. And why would a guy get his partner to give up a lucrative law client, the HCIA, just to keep a city job that does not pay all that well?" Salary for the Corporation Counsel job at stake is $55,000 a vcar, far less than an attorney, and obviously way less than two attorneys in an active, politically connected private practice could make. "What gets me," said the official, who asked that his name not be used. "is that it will probably cost more than that salary to pay all these lawyers by the time this is over, no matter who wins. Booth is forcing the City to fritter away more money than he will get paid. Why would he do that, when he could make far more in private practice?" When Cunningham delivered his termination letter to Booth, with copies to members of the Council, Booth resigned his partnership in the law firm. Cunningham's letter to Booth gave reasons for the termi- nation that included a lack of trust and con- fidence and this apparent conflict of inter- est. But Booth's wife took his place at the law firm maintaining the Booth name in the firm's title and participation in the profits of the firm. Booth did not discuss details of the compensation. Cunningham also cited a Jersey City ordinance requiring that the service of the Corporation Counsel, head of the City's Law Depaitinent, required the full time of the office holder. Booth acknowledges that he himself was active in his private practice even while his wife stood in for him in the partnership. Booth also argued that the suit did not even belong in court in the first place because it would interfere in the separation of powers between the executive branch of government, the Mayor, and the legislative branch, the Council. The City Council sided with Booth and overrode the Mayor's termina- tion and that should have ended the matter argued Booth's attorney, and the attorney for the City Council. Booth, by refusing to accept the termination, compels the city to fund the Mayor's only alternative, taking Booth to court. Naturally, the Corporation Counsel must be represented as must the City Counsel as well z
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