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By Alan Branigan
Some names? There are
plenty: Brenda Lewis, Metropolitan Opera soprano;
Cornell MacNeil, New Jersey baritone, who took secondary parts in 1950 and is
now an opera star; Calvin
Marsh, once a chorus member and now a Metropolitan
regular; Stephen Douglass
and Anita Gillette, both famous on Broadway; Marguerite Piazza, who went to
opera, television and the
night clubs as a star vocalist;
plus literally dozens who
rose from chorus and ballet
to positions of responsibility
here and abroad.
With the death of Miss Scudder, whose enthusiasm
and analytical mind had
been of great assistance in
seeing the Paper Mill
through some rough times,
the establishment entered a
period of transition.
But the resilience was
present and soon the Mill
stage was alive again at the
old pace. This has carried
on in a kind of crescendo
right up to the current
spring season. A look at
production figures may be
of interest, especially of
musicals. In this field, the
Mill has achieved a flabbergasting 5,661 performances
of works by 42 composers.
There have been 165 productions of 87 different
musicals. Works produced
most often include "The
Desert Song" (276 performances), "Student Prince"
(265), "Blossom Time"
(177), and "Merry Widow"
(175). The total, by the
way, includes the projected
64 performances of "My
Fair Lady."
OF those not produced as
often, perhaps we may be
permitted to name a few
favorites. There was a special tingle to the Mill's "Kiss
Me Kate" and "Where's
Charley?" We have a special fondness for such items
as "Once Upon a Mattress"
and "The Three-Penny Opera." "Fiorello" was enjoyable because of the waltzes.
One can contrast the naive
satire, "Little Mary Sunshine," with the robust production of Bizet's "Carmen,"
which was given no less
than 32 times. The list, in
reality, constitutes a stirring
live history of the American
musical stage since the late
19th century.
A definitely new note was
struck four years ago, when
Mr. Carrington and the playhouse directorate engaged
the Laurence Henry Company (Henry Weinstein and
Laurence Feldman) to assist
in the production schedule.
Thus was introduced a new
contact with Broadway
which has had many interesting results. Most importantly, it brought the Paper
Mill into a sharing arrangement in a circuit which includes the famous Westport
Playhouse in Connecticut
and the Mineola Playhouse
on Long Island.
It has become a theatrical axiom that today's stage,
stars are more likely to be
interested in a tour of several theaters than in a week
or two guest shot at one
and this is what the new
setup offered. It also presented a cost-sharing plan
that made it easier to deal
with skyrocketing set and
scene design costs.
THE recent Mill fare has
alternated between recent
hits on Broadway and hopeful entries that might or
might not some day see
the glare of a first night in
Manhattan. Some of these
have been less than satisfactory, but in the main the
level has been pretty high,
sometimes spellbindingly so.
Suburban audiences, at
any rate, have been given a
chance to view some of their
favorites in good plays. We
recall with pleasure Sam
Levene in "Seidman and
Son," Claudette Colbert and
Cyril Ritchard in "The Irregular Verb to Love," Eva
Gabor in "A Shot in the
Dark," Carol ("Dolly")
Channing in Shaw's "The
Millionairess," the delightful Betsy Palmer in several
lively musicals, Walter
Pidgeon in "Lord Pengo"
and- talented young Liza
Minelli as Lili in "Carnival,"
Dane Clark, Teresa Wright
and Menasha Skulnik in
various splendid roles. Plus
myriads of subsidiary players of great skill, including
New Jersey's Dana Hardwyck, to add to the fun and
prestige of New Jersey's
theatrical landmark.
Originally appeared in the Newark Sunday News on May 10, 1964
THE musical era that followed and occupied the
years from 1940 to the mid-1950s had glamour galore.
Paper Mill staff members
like to recall some of the
now famous personalities
who got their start on the
Millburn operetta stage.
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